02.06.2020 język angielski
Język angielski
Cel: Wprowadzenie słownictwa związanego z plażą i morzem.
1. Zapoznanie z nazwami zwierząt morskich poprzez słuchanie piosenki ,, A sailor went to sea”:
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see
But all that she could see see see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea
A seahorse!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see
But all that she could see see see
Was a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea
A jellyfish!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see
But all that she could see see see
Was a jellyfish swimming and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea
A turtle!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see
But all that she could see see see
Was a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea
An octopus!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see
But all that she could see see see
Was an octopus swimming, and a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea
A baby shark!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see
But all that she could see see see
Was a baby shark swimming, and an octopus swimming, and a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea
A blue whale!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what she could see see see
But all that she could see see see
Was a blue whale swimming, and a baby shark swimming, and an octopus swimming, and a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea.
2. Praca plastyczna ,,Under the sea” z użyciem techniki malowania pianą.
Dziecko wykonuje tło do podwodnego świata z użyciem dwóch kolorów piany: niebieskiego i zielonego. Określa ich nazwy po angielsku. W czasie, gdy praca schnie dziecko rysuje na kartce zwierzęta, które zapamiętało z piosenki z poprzedniego ćwiczenia. Wycina je i nakleja na wyschniętą kartkę z bąbelkami.
Materiały: klej PVA (np. Magic lub Wikol), woda, płyn do mycia naczyń, farba plakatowa lub tempera plakatowa, 2 kubeczki, 2 słomki do napojów, biała kartka techniczna (najlepiej A3).
Zapoznanie z techniką malowania pianą wg brytyjskiej wersji programu dla dzieci -,,Pana Robótki” ( ,,Mister Maker”):